*NEW* Rosters & Waivers Required *NEW*
All players must be listed on the team roster AND must accept & sign the online waiver to be allowed to play. Captains can edit their roster by logging in at https://www.playerssports.net/login and clicking "Manage My Team." Once listed on the roster, all players can log in to sign the waiver at https://www.playerssports.net/player/waiver.
Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!
Every individual participating in a Players Sport & Social Group program may compete as a member of the gender that they identify with, regardless of their gender at birth. We expect all players to be respectful and honor the spirit of this policy. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and other sexualities and gender identities/expressions).
We have found that open communication between teams is super helpful. If there is a situation that may raise some questions from opposing teams, captains are encouraged to have a quick conversation with our umpire/official before the game to ensure everyone is on the same page. At the end of the day, inclusivity is key.
Scroll Down for Men's 12" & 16" Rules
Sportsmanship = Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow,, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!
1. 10 players play at time. 6 men and 4 women play on the field. Teams may start with 8 players, but 3 must be women. A maximum of 6 men may play on the field.
2. Teams must have at least 3 women playing to start and continue a game. Teams playing with 3 women must take an automatic out in the batting order in the spot that the 4th woman would bat.
3. Teams may bat as many batters as they want as long as they do not bat more than 2 males in a row at any point of the batting order. This includes the wrap around from the bottom to the top of the order. Teams may move players in and out of any fielding position as long as they remain in the same spot in the batting order.
4. BATTING ORDER RULES– Any late arriving players must be placed at the end of the batting order. No player may re-enter the game once removed from the batting order. If the male to female ratio is greater than 2:1, there is no way to have everyone bat legally in the line-up without taking an automatic out.
5. Batters begin with a 1 and 1 count. A foul with 2 strikes is a strikeout.
6. Pitchers may not use any type of fake, jump or intentional hesitation while pitching. The Pitchers mound is apporimentally 15 paces from home plate and no further then 20 paces from home plate.
7a. The arc limits for a pitch is:
Coed 12" - 6-foot minimum 14 foot maximum
Coed 16" - 6-foot minimum 14 foot maximum
7b. Pitches outside these limits will be called automatic balls, unless the batter swings at the pitch.
8. Strike Zone/Strike Mat: Pitches that touch home plate or the strike mat and are within the arc limits will be called a strike. To help avoid contact at the plate, the runner is permitted to touch the strike mat to score in addition to the home plate
9. Intentional walks are not allowed. If, in the opinion of the umpire, a pitcher is intentionally missing the strike zone in order to walk a batter, the next batter is automatically awarded 1st base.
10. There are no lead-offs. Runners may only leave the base when the batter has hit the ball and may only advance to the next base if the ball has been hit into fair territory. A fly ball hit in foul territory is in play and can be caught for an out; baserunners can advance as on any other fly ball out. If it drops to the ground, it is simply a foul ball, and runners cannot advance.
11. There are no restrictions on what positions are played by men or women.
12. Coed 16" - women may wear baseball fielding gloves or baseball batting gloves while in the field. Men cannot wear a baseball fielding or baseball batting glove in the field of play. When a woman is batting, 3 outfielders must be behind restricted line (cones) until the ball is contacted. Otherwise, first base is awarded to the female.
13a. A full game is 7 innings. A game can be considered final as long as 5 innings get played (4.5 if the home team is leading). Slaughter Rule is 10 or more runs after 5 innings - 4 1/2 innings if Home team has 10 run lead. If the game does not go the required innings, it will be reschedule and start new. If a regular season game can not be rescheduled it will be scored a tie. The only suspended situation would be if a PLAYOFF game was tied at the time of the stoppage. If during a playoff game there is a stoppage due to lights, injury, weather or any other circumstance, PSSG will communicate with the captains. The game will either be replayed in full, restart from the stoppage point or the season will be deemed over. If the season is deemed over one or both teams will be awarded with the championship.
13b. Regular season games can end in a tie. Playoff games will be played until a winner is determined.
14. No Metal Spikes or metal tipped spikes are allowed under any circumstances.
15. Bat Restrictions - SEE IF YOUR BATS ARE ALLOWED!
ALL bats must bear either the USA/ASA approved 2000 certification mark or the USA/ASA 2004 certification mark or the NEW ASA mark (new 2013). If none of these marks is present, the bat is illegal. If one of these marks is present but the bat appears on the ASA banned bat list, then the bat is also illegal. Please Click Here for the most updated list of USA banned bats.
The Official bat must bear either the ASA approved 2000 certification mark , the ASA 2004 certification mark as shown below, or the ASA 2013 Certification Mark (Slow Pitch ONLY) as shown below, or the USA Softball (formerly USA) Certification Mark and must not be listed on an ASA Non-Approved Bat List with Certification Marks, and
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All bats in ASA Championship Play, except Seniors, must pass the ASA Bat Performance Standard. All bats having the 2000, 2004 or 2013(Slow Pitch, Men's Adult Fast Pitch, Junior Olympic Boy's Fast Pitch and Men's Modified Pitch ONLY) Certification Mark and not listed on the list of Non-Approved bats with Certification marks will be allowed in ASA Championship Play. Bats with the 2013 Certification Mark will be allowed in Slow Pitch National Championship Play Only. For your convenience, the ASA website has a listing of all approved bats and bats that have ASA Certification Marks and are no longer approved.
16. This rule shall be upheld in the following manner:
17. The NO CONTACT rule is in effect for base runners. A runner must do everything possible to avoid contact. Runners do not have to slide.... just avoid contact. Fielders are not entitled to block a base without “having a play" on the runner. Runners that initiate contact will be called out, and may be ejected from the game at the umpire’s discretion. In the event of contact, it is an "Umpire's Judgment"call, as to which player caused the contact.
18. To help avoid contact at the plate, the runner is permitted to touch the strike mat to score in addition to the plate. Similar to the safety 1st base, the catcher would only force an out at home by stepping on the plate itself.
19. No inning will begin 55 minutes past game time (50 minutes past game time for 16 inch games)
20. On an overthrow, extra bases are only awarded if the ball goes out of play. Balls that hit the fence along the baselines are in play. If the ball goes out of play, a dead ball is declared and runners are awarded two bases from the last base touched at the time of the throw.
21. The pitcher must pitch from behind the imaginary line connecting 1st & 3rd base. The pitcher is not allowed to pitch from more than 5 feet behind that line. Calls on this are at the umpire's descretion.
22. During the regular season it is ok for team captains to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team. If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit.
23. No pump fakes or jukes of any kind are permitted by the pitcher. Pitchers are allowed 1 step in either direction. Umpires can call a pitch an automatic ball if the pitcher breaks this rule.
24. All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket. At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record. Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed. If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played.
25. Any player who comes in contact or verbally goes after an umpire will be suspended or removed from the league.
26. For 12” softball, the umpire will not introduce a new ball for each game. The umpire will keep the game ball in play until it becomes damaged or overly worn. For 16" games a new ball will be used to start each game.
27. Pinch Runners, A batter who reaches 1st base may request a pinch runner if an injury has occurred. The pinch runner will be the last person out in the batting order that is the same sex of the person requesting.
Forfeit time is GAME TIME.
If your team forfeits a match during the season, the following rules apply:
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game however this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
Softball Playoff Seeding Rules:
1) Winning percentage is used to determine place in standings and will be used to determine playoff seeding.
2) If two teams are tied in winning percentage/game record:
a. Head to head result(s)
b. Least amount of forfeits
c. Overall run differential (10-run max per game)
d. Earliest sign up date/time
3) If three or more teams are tied in game record:
a. Least number of forfeits
b. Overall run differential (10-run max per game)
c. Earliest sign up date/time
Sportsmanship = Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!
1. 10 players play at time. Teams may play with 8 players.
2. Teams may bat as many batters as they would like. Any late arriving player must be placed at the end of the batting order. Teams must take an out in the batting spot of injured or early-leaving player.
3. No player may re-enter the game once he/she has been removed from the batting order. Teams must take an out in the batters spot once they have left the line-up before the end of the game.
4. Batters begin with a 1 and 1 count. A foul with 2 strikes is a strikeout.
5. Pitchers may not use any type of fake, jump or intentional hesitation while pitching
6a. The arc limits for a pitch is:
Men's 12" - 6-foot minimum 14 foot maximum
Men's 16" - 6-foot minimum 14 foot maximum
6b. Pitches outside these limits will be called automatic balls, unless the batter swings at the pitch.
7. Strike Zone/Strike Mat: Pitches that touch the home plate or strike mat that are within the arc limits are a strike. To help avoid contact at the plate, the runner is permitted to touch the strike mat to score in addition to the plate
8. Intentional walks are not allowed. If, in the opinion of the umpire, a pitcher is intentionally missing the strike zone in order to walk a batter, the next batter is automatically awarded 1st base.
9. There are no lead-offs. Runners may only leave the base when the batter has hit the ball and may only advance to the next base if the ball has been hit into fair territory. A fly ball hit in foul territory is in play and can be caught for an out; baserunners can advance as on any other fly ball out. If it drops to the ground, it is simply a foul ball, and runners cannot advance.
10. There are no restrictions on what positions are played by particpants on each team.
11. Slaughter Rule is 10 or more runs after 5 innings - 4 1/2 innings if Home team has 10 run lead. A full game is 7 innings. A game can be considered final as long as 5 innings get played (4.5 if the home team is leading). If the game does not go the required innings, it will be reschedule and start new. If a regular season game can not be rescheduled it will be scored a tie. The only suspended situation would be if a PLAYOFF game was tied at the time of the stoppage. If during a playoff game there is a stoppage due to lights, injury, weather or any other circumstance, PSSG will communicate with the captains. The game will either be replayed in full, restart from the stoppage point or the season will be deemed over. If the season is deemed over one or both teams will be awarded with the championship.
12. No Metal Spikes or metal tipped spikes are allowed under any circumstances.
13. Bat Restrictions - SEE IF YOUR BATS ARE ALLOWED!
ALLL bats must bear either the ASA approved 2000 certification mark or the ASA 2004 certification mark or the NEW ASA mark (new 2013). If none of these marks is present, the bat is illegal. If one of these marks is present but the bat appears on the ASA banned bat list, then the bat is also illegal. Please Click Here for the most updated list of ASA banned bats.
The Official bat must bear either the ASA approved 2000 certification mark , the ASA 2004 certification mark as shown below, or the ASA 2013 Certification Mark (Slow Pitch ONLY) as shown below, or the USA Softball (formerly USA) Certification Mark and must not be listed on an ASA Non-Approved Bat List with Certification Marks, and
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All bats in ASA Championship Play, except Seniors, must pass the ASA Bat Performance Standard. All bats having the 2000, 2004 or 2013(Slow Pitch, Men's Adult Fast Pitch, Junior Olympic Boy's Fast Pitch and Men's Modified Pitch ONLY) Certification Mark and not listed on the list of Non-Approved bats with Certification marks will be allowed in ASA Championship Play. Bats with the 2013 Certification Mark will be allowed in Slow Pitch National Championship Play Only. For your convenience, the ASA website has a listing of all approved bats and bats that have ASA Certification Marks and are no longer approved.
14. This rule shall be upheld in the following manner:
15. The NO CONTACT rule is in effect for base runners. A runner must do everything possible to avoid contact. Runners do not have to slide.... just avoid contact. Fielders are not entitled to block a base without “having a play" on the runner. Runners that initiate contact will be called out, and may be ejected from the game at the umpire’s discretion.In the event of contact, it is an "Umpire's Judgment"call, as to which player caused the contact.
16. To help avoid contact at the plate, the runner is permitted to touch the strike mat to score in addition to the plate. Similar to the safety 1st base, the catcher would only force an out at home by stepping on the plate itself.
17. No inning will begin 55 minutes past game time (50 minutes past game time for 16 inch games)
18. On an overthrow, extra bases are only awarded if the ball goes out of play. Balls that hit the fence along the baselines are in play. If the ball goes out of play, a dead ball is declared and runners are awarded two bases from the last base touched at the time of the throw.
19. The pitcher must pitch from behind the imaginary line connecting 1st & 3rd base. The pitcher is not allowed to pitch from more than 5 feet behind that line. Calls on this are at the umpire's descretion.
20. During the regular season it is ok for team captains to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team. If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit.
21. No pump fakes or jukes of any kind are permitted by the pitcher. Umpires can call a pitch an automatic ball if the pitcher breaks this rule.
22. All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket. At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record. Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed. If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played.
23. For 12” softball, the umpire will not introduce a new ball for each game . The umpire will keep the game ball in play until it becomes damaged or overly worn.
Forfeit time is GAME TIME.
If your team forfeits a match during the season, the following rules apply:
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game however this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
Softball Playoff Seeding Rules:
1) Winning percentage is used to determine place in standings and will be used to determine playoff seeding.
2) If two teams are tied in winning percentage/game record:
a. Head to head result(s)
b. Least amount of forfeits
c. Overall run differential (10-run max per game)
d. Earliest sign up date/time
3) If three or more teams are tied in game record:
a. Least number of forfeits
b. Overall run differential (10-run max per game)
c. Earliest sign up date/time
Field/Park Groundrules
· The following is a list of the fields and parks that PSG uses with which type of 12” ball would be used at the park/field (if applicable) and also highlights any special ground rules that are in play at these parks.
· There are often trees that grow to obstruct the field of play. Unless specified otherwise for an individual park/field below, trees should be handled as follows:
· If the ball hits a tree in fair territory and the trajectory of the ball changes or the tree otherwise impacts the play, you should declare NO PITCH and replay the pitch.
· If the ball hits a tree in foul territory, it should be immediately called a foul ball without allowing the defense to make a play on it.
Churchill The dog park lines the first base line at Churchill. Please avoid kicking the ball into the dog park at all costs, as the dogs pop the balls nearly every time they go in there!
Clarendon Park North 12” WHITE – Each team is allowed to hit two homeruns per game to any field. Each consequent homerun will result in an automatic out of the batter with all runners remaining where they are. Any foul ball that hits the trees is immediately ruled foul. The ball is live if it hits any light posts. If the ball hits a tree (branches or trunk), a dead ball will be called. If it hits a tree and comes back into play, a ground rule double will be awarded. If a ball hits any part of a tree and carries over the fence it is a homerun.
DePaul (SW, NE) KB/16” – Various tractors, carts, tarps etc are in the deep outfields on both fields. If the ball gets caught in any of these items, call the ball dead and award a ground rule double to the batter. Use your best judgment if the obstruction has no impact on the play.
Eckhart Park East 12” YELLOW – If the ball goes through the tree in deep left field, it is a ground rule double. It gets too dark too see whether the ball hits the tree or not so we call all balls that go through that tree a ground rule double to make it easy on everyone.
Holmgren Turf (South) 12” YELLOW – if we play on the dirt field (north), use white 12” balls
Humboldt Park (1, 4, 10, 11, 12) 12” YELLOW – Fields 1 & 4 located just south of North Ave. Fields 10, 11 and 12 located just south of Division
Margate Park SW KB/12” WHITE – If the ball hits or gets caught in the tree in play in right field, it will be called a ground rule double.
Margate Park NE 12” YELLOW – A cone should be placed in right field extended from where the 2nd baseman stands. If a ball rolls, flies or bounces onto the path to the right of this cone in fair territory, it is an automatic single. If a ball rolls, flies or bounces onto the path to the left of the cone, it is a ground rule double.
Margate Park SE 12” YELLOW – Use normal tree rules to decide what to do with the tree that extends into fair territory down the right field line.
Pulaski Park 16”/KB – There is a break in the fence in the deep outfield where the ball could roll down steps. If this occurs, call a ground rule double. If the ball hits the tree or branches in fair territory and comes back into play it will be ruled a ground rule double. If the ball hits the tree and goes over the fence in fair territory it will be a home run. If the ball hits the tree in fair territory and proceeds foul it will be ruled a dead ball.
Kilbourn Park, Smith Park (SW, SE, NE) 12” WHITE – no special ground rules
Brands Park (SW, SE, NE), Clarendon Middle, KB/16” – no special ground rules
UIC Flames Field 16” – no special ground rules
North Avenue (ME, SE, SW, NW) 16”/12” YELLOW – no special ground rules
Hamlin Park, Union Park (SE, NE, NW) 16”/KB/12” YELLOW – no special ground rules
Waveland Park, Clarendon Park South, 12” YELLOW – no special ground rules
Eckhart Park West, Loyola Park, Margate NW,
UIC Les Miller Field
***ALL specific ground rules can be found on the back of the clipboard each umpire provides to keep score on.
Any of the above rules are subject to change at any time without notice at the discretion of Players Sports Group. 5/11/21 SB.
Great people and great vibes. If you're looking to get out and meet some people while having fun then Players Sports is for you. There are leagues and tournaments for a bunch of different sports. They run them for all skill levels and you get cool shirts if you win. Also a lot of free promos - they give out a lot of drinks and other stuff. Overall, very fun and very friendly environment.
For the last three years, I have been playing indoor and beach volleyball with Players Sport & Social. They are always exceptional and professional. My favorite part of the leagues is the cadence and the different formats that they offer; whether you want to play Rec vs Competitive or 2s vs 6s - they have it all! They also have referees for all of their indoor leagues, and they are prompt to email requests.
Love attending the Luau tournaments they host! Such a fun environment they set up!
Players Sports Volleyball tournaments are great! Always well-organized, and fun to meet and hang out with friends.
I've been competing in their leagues and tournaments for years. Always well run and a good time.
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